
I have finally taken the time yesterday in a good end-of-year tradition
of ambitious hacks to bring the hitchhiker-tree (1) and datascript (2)
together. I have only touched the db.cljc namespace in datascript and
replaced all calls to the in-memory balanced-tree set (btset) with calls
to the hitchhiker-tree, the rest is vanilla DataScript. All tests pass
and I can store and load databases sufficiently with the three trees for
the indices (no datascript serialization used).

I would like to have early feedback, so feel free to play and throw
ideas around. You need to install my version of the hitchhiker-tree (1)
first. Atm. it is a drop-in replacement for DataScript, but this is a
prototype, don't use it for anything serious yet.

Here is an example interaction with the store:


1. There is no working GC for the hitchhiker-trees yet.
2. Performance penalty against DataScript is in the 20-100x range, but I
haven't done serious profiling yet.
3. There are probably bugs that are not covered by the tests, please
open an issue.

This is more of an intermediary goal, although it is very useful to have
a durable datascript around in itself. The hitchhiker-tree is a generic
persistent durable datastructure that can be efficiently synched and
hence replication is the goal. Next step is a "web-after-tomorrow" (3)
architecture similar to datsync, that we are discussing about here:


In the longer run we can allow multiple writers with different
conflict-resolution scheme similar to CRDTs and the bloom language

Happy hacking :),

(1) https://github.com/whilo/hitchhiker-tree
(2) https://github.com/whilo/datascript/tree/hitchhiker_tree_support
(3) http://tonsky.me/blog/the-web-after-tomorrow/

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