On May 19, 2017 2:11 PM, "'Lee Spector' via Clojure" <
clojure@googlegroups.com> wrote:

FWIW my research group used Slack for a while, but we switched to Discourse
close to two years ago and have been quite happy with it (
https://push-language.hampshire.edu, although only a tiny subset is
publicly viewable).

We're a much smaller community, with different needs, but still, I can
attest to Discourse being nice in several ways. Among other things, it
seems to encourage more deliberative interactions than I generally see on
Slack, with a better mix of rapid communication with longer-term

I'm inclined to think moving away from slack would be wise, but only with
the blessing of the core Clojure team.  After all any of us could set up
something on matrix or discourse etc. but if successful that would lead to
fragmentation of the community.

I wonder what the thinking within the core team is on this.


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