>> Transducers should ensure stateful changes guarantee visibility. That is: 
>> you should not make assumptions about external memory barriers.
> How do you enforce no more than one thread at a time without setting a 
> memory barrier ?

I could have one thread that invokes a transduce step on odd seconds and 
another that invokes on even seconds. Or some external api call that tells 
me to take the next step, which I do on a thread pulled from a pool. I'm 
sure I could come up with others.

> For the JMM, no more than one thread at a time means exactly that return 
> of step n will *happen-before* the call to step n+1.

happens-before across threads requires a volatile or lock, but I don't see 
how the use of one is guaranteed by this logical ordering.

This implies that what was visible to the thread performing step n will be 
> visible to the thread performing the step n+1, including all memory writes 
> performed during step n inside stateful transducers.

Only if there is a volatile or lock forcing that visibility.

> https://www.cs.umd.edu/~pugh/java/memoryModel/jsr-133-faq.html 
> <https://www.google.com/url?q=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.cs.umd.edu%2F~pugh%2Fjava%2FmemoryModel%2Fjsr-133-faq.html&sa=D&sntz=1&usg=AFQjCNFrKhTVAobPzLvc5FHLhtsUgQ5YTg>
> Still no need for extra synchronization.

While this is a good reference, it's also 13 years old and the JMM has been 
updated since then. A much better reference explaining the semantics and 
constraints is:


In particular, even if there is a memory barrier, there are some 
reorderings allowed if the transducer state is not volatile that may be 
surprising. Making it volatile adds a critical edge in the total program 

You're conflating the stateful values inside the transducer with the state 
>> returned by and passed into a transducer. That's a linkage that does not 
>> necessarily exist.
> What do you mean ? How could a function return a value without having 
> executed its body ?

I'm saying that the logical ordering of steps is irrelevant wrt how a 
multi-threaded program can be optimized/reordered under the JMM.

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