> On Monday, April 10, 2017 at 12:39:37 PM UTC-4, Alex Miller wrote: 

Oh, you still need r/folder, sorry! Something like:
> (r/fold + (r/folder v (map inc)))

Ah, okay, glad to know I wasn't going crazy :) Thanks!
On Monday, April 10, 2017 at 12:39:37 PM UTC-4, Alex Miller wrote:
> On Sunday, April 9, 2017 at 9:44:00 PM UTC-5, Alexander Gunnarson wrote:
>> As an aside about the stateful `take` transducer, Tesser uses the 
>> equivalent of one but skirts the issue by not guaranteeing that the first n 
>> items of the collection will be returned, but rather, n items of the 
>> collection in no particular order and starting at no particular index. This 
>> is achievable without Tesser by simply replacing the `volatile` in the 
>> `core/take` transducer with an `atom` and using it with `fold`. But yes, 
>> `take`'s contract is broken with this and so still follows the rule of 
>> thumb you established that `fold` can't use stateful transducers (at least, 
>> not without weird things like reordering of the indices in `map-indexed` 
>> and so on).
> Right, we intentionally chose to require transducer takes to occur in 
> order to match the sequence take. Tesser's approach is perfectly fine too 
> (as long as you understand the difference).
>> That's interesting that `fold` can use transducers directly! I haven't 
>> tried that yet — I've just been wrapping them in an `r/folder`.
> Oh, you still need r/folder, sorry! Something like:
> (r/fold + (r/folder v (map inc)))

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