Hi Rich,

I like the flexibility of the new watches, but I'm missing a way to
watch for errors. Currently, if an agent's action results in an error
its watchers aren't even triggered.


On Feb 27, 2:57 pm, Rich Hickey <richhic...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I've added (back)synchronouswatches(svn 1309+), which used to exist
> for agents, now for all reference types.
> (defn add-watch
>   "Experimental.
>   Adds a watch function to an agent/atom/var/ref reference. The watch
>   fn must be a fn of 4 args: a key, the reference, its old-state, its
>   new-state. Whenever the reference's state might have been changed,
>   any registeredwatcheswill have their functions called. The watch
> fn
>   will be called synchronously, on the agent's thread if an agent,
>   before any pending sends if agent or ref. Note that an atom's or
>   ref's state may have changed again prior to the fn call, so use
>   old-state rather than derefing the reference. Note also that watch
> fns
>   may be called from multiple threads simultaneously. Var watchers are
>   triggered only by root binding changes, not thread-local set!s"
>  [reference key fn] ...)
> (defn remove-watch [reference key]...)
> I've left in add/remove-watcher for now, in order to avoid disruption.
> It is defined in terms of add-watch, demonstrating add-watch is the
> more flexible core function. My plan is to remove add-watcher/remove-
> watcher, since you can build your own such variants.
> Highlights are:
> - Deterministic times when callbacks will occur.
> - Provision of before/after state - you determine what constitutes an
> interesting change.
> - Arbitrary key will be passed back to callback.
> Please try them out for your latest Cells-like and other reactive
> programs. I'd like to move this out of the experimental category.
> Feedback and questions welcome,
> Rich
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