On Wed, Feb 25, 2009 at 12:18 AM, .Bill Smith <william.m.sm...@gmail.com> wrote:
> The map alone is not sufficient to describe the object; you need the
> class too.  That's true both for the bean and any of it's bean-typed
> properties, since a property might be typed with an interface or an
> abstract class for which there is no constructor.

You could gen-class as needed to create concrete interface
implementations or subclasses. This would probably be a terrible idea
if unbean were for general use, but if you're focused on testing it
could keep things cleaner (and prevent you cluttering up tests with
irrelevant details).

I suppose the most communicative approach would be to nest unbean
calls, but make unbean support abstract classes and interfaces as its
first argument. (If unbean inferred the need to gen-class, you
couldn't tell from reading the test code whether a property of the
top-level bean were a PersistentHashMap or some non-Clojure type being
figured out behind the scenes.)



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