On Feb 24, 10:30 pm, ".Bill Smith" <william.m.sm...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I finally got around to writing an "unbean" function.   As the name
> suggests, it's the reverse of the bean function: it takes a class and
> a map of property name/values and returns an instance of that class
> with those property values.  So for example, if class House has
> properties "address", "color", and "area", you can do this:
> user=> (def h (unbean House {:address "100 Elm Street" :color
> "red" :area 2500}))
> #'user/h
> user=> (.getAddress h)
> "100 Elm Street"
> user=> (bean h)
> {:address "100 Elm Street", :color "red", :area 2500}
> user=>

I tend to associate "bean" with Java beans, so the naming seems to be
reversed IMHO: "bean" should convert a Clojure map to a Java bean, and
"unbean" should do the reverse.

In Scheme-speak they would be map->bean and bean->map, which might be
a bit verbose.

It's getting late here so I don't have time to test, but would a
recursive map be converted to a recursive bean (i.e. some elements are
themselves beans) and vice versa with your functions?


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