Michel Salim <michel.syl...@gmail.com> writes:

> That would be really neat! I'm having a bit of trouble setting it up,
> though:

> - When loading a .clj file in Emacs, it automatically triggers Slime

This should happen only on test files, not every clojure file.

> - However, the file is not actually loaded; I had to C-c C-l

Right; it doesn't load until you call clojure-test-run-tests, which is
bound to C-c C-,.

> - C-c C-' is not bound; if I (run-tests 'clojure-mode.test-is), the
> tests run but nothing appears in the editor window

C-c C-' is not bound; it should be C-c ' without control on the
quote. This should be called after you've run the tests to see the
details of the failure/error at point.

> Any idea what could be wrong? Here's the clojure-mode /
> clojure-test-mode part of ~/.emacs

Does "Test" show up in the modeline in your test buffers? If so then the
mode is activated correctly. I'm still working through some bugs that
surface unpredictably due to the asynchronous nature of SLIME, so if you
don't see anything be sure to try C-c C-, a number of times.


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