On Mon, Feb 23, 2009 at 10:26 PM, Raffael Cavallaro
<raffaelcavall...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Feb 23, 9:31 pm, Jeffrey Straszheim <straszheimjeff...@gmail.com>
> wrote:
>> The speed of the JVM's big ints, and therefore Clojure's, doesn't seem to be
>> competitive.
> Clearly the JVM's big ints doesn't compare favorably with GMP. On the
> other hand, Clojure falls near the middle of the range of the various
> lisps and schemes. It's about as fast as LispWorks 32-bit for example.

Too bad GMP is LGPLv3+, while Java is GPLv2 only, so we'll not see
Java using GMP in the foreseeable foture. Kaffe's JVM uses GMP,
though. If Clojure runs on it, it'd be interesting to see what sort of
numbers it produces.

I've not seen a decent GMP wrapper for Java -- does anyone know of any
such implementation?


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