On Fri, Feb 20, 2009 at 1:59 PM, Steffen Glückselig <goo...@gungfu.de> wrote:
> I was trying to use Clojure to verify the behavior some method in
> Java.
> Namely I wanted to quickly check whether Collections.sort does the
> sorting I need.
> So I came up with:
> (let [list '("1" "KB" "K6" "2" "EÜ" "EZ" "ES")]
>  (do
>    (java.util.Collections/sort list)
>    list))
> But since Collections/sort mutates the list in place I cannot get a
> result.
> Is there a way in Clojure to get at the result of operations like
> these?

With a little poking around I found what you need.  First, what args
is sort actually taking?

  user=> (use '[clojure.contrib.repl-utils :only (show)])

  user=> (show java.util.Collections "sort")
  ===  public java.util.Collections  ===
  [11] static checkedSortedMap : SortedMap (SortedMap,Class,Class)
  [12] static checkedSortedSet : SortedSet (SortedSet,Class)
  [40] static sort : void (List)
  [41] static sort : void (List,Comparator)
  [47] static synchronizedSortedMap : SortedMap (SortedMap)
  [48] static synchronizedSortedSet : SortedSet (SortedSet)
  [53] static unmodifiableSortedMap : SortedMap (SortedMap)
  [54] static unmodifiableSortedSet : SortedSet (SortedSet)

  user=> (show java.util.Collections 40)
  #<Method public static void java.util.Collections.sort(java.util.List)>

Ah, a java.util.List.  But I seem to recall that being an interface,
so I need something else that's concrete and mutable, but implements
List.  I seem to recall something called ArrayList...

  user=> (isa? java.util.ArrayList java.util.List)

Good enough, now how do you make one?

  user=> (show java.util.ArrayList)
  ===  public java.util.ArrayList  ===
  [ 0] <init> ()
  [ 1] <init> (Collection)
  [ 2] <init> (int)

So it can take a collection, like a clojure vector:

  user=> (def lst (java.util.ArrayList. ["1" "KB" "K6" "2" "EÜ" "EZ" "ES"]))

And finally, the sort:

  user=> (java.util.Collections/sort lst)

Bleh... not functional at all, are we?  Oh well:

  user=> lst
  #<ArrayList [1, 2, ES, EZ, EÜ, K6, KB]>

And there you go.


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