Hmmm, that is weird ... I would expect the sort to throw an exception,
but it seems to complete happily.  (If you try it with a vector
instead of a list, it will error).

Anyway, the typical way to do this would be to convert your Clojure
data structure to a mutable Java type first, then convert it back.  In
this case, perhaps

(let [l (ArrayList. '(1 9 6 3 8 9))]
  (Collections/sort l)
  (seq l))

The nice thing about this is that there is only one real conversion --
the creation of the ArrayList.  Calling "seq" on the result just
creates a view on the ArrayList, which is now effectively immutable
since after you exit the "let" nobody has write access to it.


On Feb 20, 10:59 am, Steffen Glückselig <> wrote:
> I was trying to use Clojure to verify the behavior some method in
> Java.
> Namely I wanted to quickly check whether Collections.sort does the
> sorting I need.
> So I came up with:
> (let [list '("1" "KB" "K6" "2" "EÜ" "EZ" "ES")]
>   (do
>     (java.util.Collections/sort list)
>     list))
> But since Collections/sort mutates the list in place I cannot get a
> result.
> Is there a way in Clojure to get at the result of operations like
> these?
> Steffen
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