You probably don't want to be doing this.  Your function looks like it could
use a lazy sequency and a filter.

e.g. (doseq [e (filter odd? [1 2 3 4 5 6 7])] (prn e))

You can get a long way with partition, for, filter and reduce;  It is a pain
to get your head around it at first if your are not used to it (well, it
was/is for me) but it is worth the effort, the functional programming
chapter in Stuart Halloway's book is a very good start.



2009/2/20 BerlinBrown <>

> For example, I do that a lot, where I loop through a file and then
> want to call a function on one particular line string.
> (defn my-func [line no]
>  ...
>  ...
> -----------
> (defun something....
>    (loop [srch-res? (. lm find) line-no 0]
>      (when srch-res?
>       ************
>        (my-func (. lm group) line-no)
>      ***********
>        (recur (. lm find) (+ line-no 1))))))
> >

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