On Feb 15, 2009, at 12:18 PM, Rich Hickey wrote:

I am looking for feedback from people willing to read and understand
the linked-to documentation and the fully lazy model, and especially
from those trying the lazy branch code and porting some of your own.

I'm trying svn rev 1282 with the following test (which depends on javadb, (derby)):

        user=> (use 'clojure.contrib.sql.test)
        user=> (db-write)

It hangs there. This works on the trunk.

I looked for uses of rest in the following libs and didn't find any:


I tried using Chouser's "-Dclojure.assert-if-lazy-seq=please" facility. While I was able to trigger an exception from it using sample code, it wasn't triggered during the hang.

I'd like to figure this out.

- Has anyone gotten past this already?
- Does anyone see the problem by inspecting the lib code?
- This seems like an opportunity for me to use a Java debugger with Clojure for the first time. Has anyone written about using JSwat or another debugger with Clojure?

I would appreciate hearing any tips for getting to the cause of this.


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