On Feb 13, 2009, at 10:12 AM, Rich Hickey wrote:

On Feb 13, 9:04 am, "Stephen C. Gilardi" <squee...@mac.com> wrote:

May I please enter an issue to track the defect that require/use's
":reload-all" flag is not working properly in Clojure.

How does this interact with:


I don't know enough to answer properly. Perhaps we can make it moot by fixing issue 3.

I have ideas for things to try, but to test them I need to reproduce the problem that caused you to remove the throw on circular load from clojure.core/load.

Here's what I tried to reproduce that problem:

        - restored the "throw on circular load" lines to clojure.core/load

        - compiled all of Clojure and contrib successfully

- Compiled/loaded/ran this successfully from Clojure and by using hello as a java main:

                (ns hello

                (defn hello [] (prn "hi"))

                (defn -main []

I thought that the default of :load-impl-ns to true would trigger the problem, but it didn't.

Could you please give me an example of code that triggers the undesired throw on circular load?


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