On Feb 13, 8:41 am, Rich Hickey <richhic...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Feb 12, 2009, at 5:35 PM, Dimiter malkia Stanev wrote:
> > Hi guys,
> > I'm optimizing a little benchmark called pnpoly, and I was wondering
> > what is the proper way of hinting the compiler for types. In certain
> > cases Clojure accepts for example loop [#^Integer c 0] and in others
> > loop [c (int 0)] - I'm really trying to hint the compiler as best as I
> > can.
> > I'm synced to the latest SVN version (1162), and in the same source
> > code, it seems like loop[#^Integer c 0] works for some cases, and not
> > for others.
> > Here is the code in question:
> >http://paste.lisp.org/display/75370
> > Also please note, what I'm doing wrong in it, what could be achieved
> > more. My next step is to parallelize it, and compare again.
> > So on my machine Clojure gives this result: (-600000 is okay, I was
> > testing which one is better bit-not or subtracting 1 from the number).
> > ; SLIME 2009-02-07
> > user> (time (pnpoly/pnpolytest))
> > "Elapsed time: 16075.309949 msecs"
> > -6000000
> > C version is about 0.8s, Lispworks 1.3s, other Common Lisps (SBCL,
> > CMUCL) about 2.0s ABCL: 6sec (using Java 1.6_10 -server, much like
> > what I'm using for clojure).
> > 16seconds it's not really that bad, considering I won't be using
> > Clojure for heavy math code, but still wanted to see what I can do
> > more with it.
> > For example the same example in Python, Ruby or Perl runs at least for
> > 200s (same with CLISP, haven't tried ECL or GCL).
> Try this:
> http://paste.lisp.org/display/75370#3
> A few things to note:
> - All arguments are passed to Clojure fns as objects, so there's no
> point to putting non-array primitive type hints on fn args. Instead,
> use the let technique shown to place args in primitive locals if they
> need to participate in primitive arithmetic in the body.
> - (let [foo (int bar)] ...) is the correct way to get a primitive
> local. Do not use #^Integer etc.
> - Don't rush to unchecked math unless you want truncating operations.
> HotSpot does a good job at optimizing the overflow check, which will
> yield an exception instead of silent truncation. On this example, that
> has about a 5% difference in speed - well worth it. Also, people
> reading your code don't know if you are using unchecked for truncation
> or perf - best to reserve it for the former and comment if the latter.
> - There's usually no point in trying to optimize an outer loop, in
> fact it can hurt you as you'll be representing things as primitives
> which just have to be re-boxed in order to become args to the inner
> call. The only exception is reflection warnings - you must get rid of
> them in any code that gets called frequently.
Some more general points:
Almost every time someone presents something they are trying to
optimize with hints, the faster version has far fewer hints than the
original. If a hint doesn't improve things in the end - take it out.
Many people seem to presume only the unchecked- ops do primitive
arithmetic - not so. When the args are primitive locals, regular + and
* etc do primitive math with an overflow check - fast *and* safe.
So, the simplest route to fast math is to leave the operators alone
and just make sure the source literals and locals are primitive.
Arithmetic on primitives yields primitives. If you've got a loop
(which you probably do if you need to optimize) make sure the loop
locals are primitives first - then if you accidentally are producing a
boxed intermediate result you'll get an error on recur. Don't solve
that error by coercing your intermediate result, instead, figure out
what argument or local is not primitive.
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