
I can't manage to get the code from the URL (server timeout)

2009/2/12 Dimiter malkia Stanev <mal...@gmail.com>

> Hi guys,
> I'm optimizing a little benchmark called pnpoly, and I was wondering
> what is the proper way of hinting the compiler for types. In certain
> cases Clojure accepts for example loop [#^Integer c 0] and in others
> loop [c (int 0)] - I'm really trying to hint the compiler as best as I
> can.
> I'm synced to the latest SVN version (1162), and in the same source
> code, it seems like loop[#^Integer c 0] works for some cases, and not
> for others.
> Here is the code in question:
> http://paste.lisp.org/display/75370
> Also please note, what I'm doing wrong in it, what could be achieved
> more. My next step is to parallelize it, and compare again.
> So on my machine Clojure gives this result: (-600000 is okay, I was
> testing which one is better bit-not or subtracting 1 from the number).
> ; SLIME 2009-02-07
> user> (time (pnpoly/pnpolytest))
> "Elapsed time: 16075.309949 msecs"
> -6000000
> C version is about 0.8s, Lispworks 1.3s, other Common Lisps (SBCL,
> CMUCL) about 2.0s ABCL: 6sec (using Java 1.6_10 -server, much like
> what I'm using for clojure).
> 16seconds it's not really that bad, considering I won't be using
> Clojure for heavy math code, but still wanted to see what I can do
> more with it.
> For example the same example in Python, Ruby or Perl runs at least for
> 200s (same with CLISP, haven't tried ECL or GCL).
> Thanks,
> Dimiter "malkia" Stanev.
> >

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