samppi -

Typical Swing programs create a window with all its components and
event handlers in the main thread, and then launch the event handling
thread implicitly by calling setVisible(true) on the window (usually a
JFrame).  I've always done it this way, and have never had a problem.
However, there may be special cases where even the construction of a
window needs to be done on the event handling thread, I don't know.

By default, *all code* that you define to respond to user events is
called on the event dispatch thread.  In my several years experience
working with Swing, use of the SwingWorker technique was very rarely
needed.  Of course, if your actions are more time consuming than mine
were, then your experience will be different; but I recommend being
sparing in its use.

There are complexities associated with *not* blocking the Swing
thread; for example, you'd probably want to disable the control (e.g.
button) that initiated the action to prevent it from being triggered a
second time.  In addition, if multiple actions can be occurring
simultaneously, then one has to be sure that their interactions do not
collide.  What if two such actions result in the display of a modal
dialog?   And you probably wouldn't want the user to be able to close
the window while the button's action is in process.   ...and on and

- Keith

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