On Fri, Jan 23, 2009 at 1:11 PM, Stephen C. Gilardi <squee...@mac.com> wrote:
> Please do enter it as an issue. I'd be interested in hearing from Chouser
> before making the change. He added combinations to lazy-seqs.

I did what now?  My memory must be going.  Here are some other
implementations I apparently went through:


Reviewing the IRC log from that day, it appears I put no particular
thought into then no-args case, so I'm happy to defer to Jason's logic
on the matter.  This is the best version?

(defn combinations
  "Takes any number of seqs and returns a lazy list of ordered
  combinations (pick 1 from each seq).  See also 'for'"
  [& seqs]
  (if (empty? seqs) '(())
    (for [item (first seqs)
          more (apply combinations (rest seqs))]
      (cons item more))))


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