On Fri, Jan 23, 2009 at 7:33 PM, Matt Moriarity <matt.moriar...@gmail.com>wrote:

> 1) "use" and "require" differ in that use does what require does,
> loads a library, but it also refers to the symbols in that lib in the
> current namespace. So essentially if you want to use
> clojure.contrib.def/defvar, if you (require 'clojure.contrib.def), you
> would have to say (clojure.contrib.def/defvar ...),

not if you use "as". so I still don't get why the two concepts can't be

> whereas if you did
> (use 'clojure.contrib.def), you could then do (defvar ...)

> 2) dots separate portions of a namespace. they are the same as how
> dots separate java packages. Slashes separate the namespace and the
> symbol name when you refer to symbols. they are not included in the
> name of a namespace (and can't be).

This seems like it should be the other way around.  Slashes are what my file
system uses.  I guess I'll just try to remember this stuff.

Ah hah!  I finally understand something.  See this is what would really help
in the explanation.  Something like, "In Java, each file defines only a
single outer class, which must have the same name as the file.  This simple
approach means that there is never any confusion that the last section
refers to a class in a given package.  Clojure trades simplicity for
flexibility.  To specify one of the many top-level symbols provided in a
namespace, a slash is used to separate it from the namespace"  Did I say
that right?

> 3) yes namespaces can be nested. that's the purpose of the dots, to
> separate levels of nesting.

So it's an error if a file specifies the wrong namespace for where it is in
the project hierarchy?

Thanks again.

> >

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