
I don't really get namespaces, and, yes, I looked at 
. . . but was lost at "interned" (thinking about this more, I think I
know what it means ... perhaps a link to a definition would work).  Is
it like C++ where it doesn't matter what subdirectory a file is in ...
unlike java where the subdirectory must match the package?  Another
thing that makes the package concept simple to me is that you can
explain it in a few sentences.  You put things in folders that are
packages.  To access the code in packages, you use import.  Things in
the same package can see each other if there isn't a private

here, I see "require" and "use" and "load" and "ns" and "in-ns" and
"refer" . .. oh and "import" to get java stuff, and I don't know what
else.  This is sort of why I've been watching the IDE progress so
whoever figures out how that part works can make it happen
automatically for me.  I guess it's just not the fun part about what
draws me to clojure, but I'm coming to realize that I should try to
gain an appreciation for it.  Otherwise I'll have to make all my code
live in a single file ... which isn't so nice to version control I

I dunno, let's start with that. What's the harm in putting all the
code in one file?  Can you have as many namespaces in a file as you
want?  Can you reopen namespaces like you can in C++ and add more code
to them?  Let's start with the problem we are trying to solve . . .
give an appreciation for why clojure namespaces are somehow really
slick . . .

I mean, I get how they allow you to use (def) on the same symbol more
than once.  That's the same thing as C++.  But in C++ that has nothing
to do with how things compile in terms of the physical file
hierarchy.  Is that the same thing here?

This is probably an easily resolved question, so sorry that I'm being
lazy, but, hey, I'll represent the lazy population that you want to
get hooked on clojure . . .browses through all the myriad languages to
chose from . .. gets to the page that starts with
"mapping ...interned", and goes, "too hard".  And if that sounds lame,
well, I think there's something to think about.  I'm interested in
higher level languages so that the banal details (and boilerplate) can
just happen, right?  That's the whole argument of being thread safe,

by the way, I checked out: http://bc.tech.coop/blog/081029.html
. . . .and still didn't really feel like folks were getting to the
"why do I care" part of it, first.  I feel free mentioning that
because Bill asked for feedback.

Finally, I'm happy to visit this question for myself later if I'm
being a pain.  Perhaps a reread or two and checking out people's
projects more, and I'll get it.

Thank you for your patience and help.
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