On Jan 23, 2009, at 17:15, Stephen C. Gilardi wrote:

> I recently changed my "user.clj" file to be purely full of  
> definitions. I think it fits well with the "require"/"use" model  
> that reloading ought to only affect what's available to call after  
> the load, not actually "do" (in the Clojure side-effecting sense)  
> anything.

I do the same.

> Some questions this raises:
> - Should libs be restricted to definitions (and lib support things  
> like "ns" and (some kind of) "load-resource") only?
> - Should the appearance of an "ns" form automatically make that  
> restriction enforced for the rest of "this file" (as it's being  
> loaded).

That would require an operational definition of what counts as a  
"definition", which moreover can be verified by the compiler. I am  
not sure that is realistic. Pretty much any Clojure function except  
for I/O can be used in definitions, so your suggestion comes down to  
making the compiler recognize any attempt to do I/O, even indirectly,  
and even then make an exception for things like load-file.

As a guideline your sugggestions seem fine though. I wouldn't like to  
work with libraries whose mere import does something magical.

> - Do we need a mechanism like java's "main" method where we could  
> put any scripting code (things intended to "do" something when the  
> lib is used as a script) rather than allowing non-definitions  
> everywhere? We could by convention call a particularly named  
> function or we could provide the name (or signature?) of a  
> designated function in the "ns" form and call that when calling  
> (effectively) a namespace as a "program" rather than "using" it as  
> a "library":
>       (ns my-simulator
>               (:require 'clojure.contrib.lazy-seqs)
>               (:main do-simulation [circuit inputs]))

That sounds nice.


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