Salut Laurent,

Am 17.01.2009 um 21:40 schrieb lpetit:
Now that's interesting. It may be easier to share code because you too
decided to not follow slime/swank which, I guess, imposes as a middle
language something closer to emacs-lisp than to clojure for the
exchanged data structures.
Well. I'm not sure I understand you correctly. The current layout
is as follows:

A Ruby interface in Vim, which extracts data etc. and sends
via the Ruby telnet client simple clojure expressions to some
TCP port.

There a Clojure server listens and simply executes the expressions
in Repl and sends back the result.

There is no real protocol defined at the moment and I'm somewhat
limited with the results, since implementing parser in Vim is no
fun.... But this simple setup already allows gems like a remote
clojure server or a Repl in a Vim buffer.

At the moment I'm investigating nailgun to eliminate the Ruby

And we could indeed also share the whole code of the server side.
That would be a tremendous win. I think interfacing to the IDE/editor
is already quite some work.

I'm in the process of refactoring the code (client and server) for

We have currently one single function, that returns a big map with all
the information for the namespace.
This has allowed me to do a namespace browser for clojuredev :
Uh. Nice. I'll give that a try. Let's see whether I can interface
to that.


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