Sure, good idea.  I'm in!

As a first cut, I think we need to separate those tools written in JVM 
languages (Clojure/Java) and those written in something else.

I certainly think the JVM based projects can, and should, share 
components.  BTW the most important JVM project is Clojure itself.  The 
tools should share as much as possible with the Clojure core sources.

Tools such as SLIME and (I think) Gorilla, on the other hand, are not 
written in language that makes sharing easy.

However, I would be very much in favor of a common test set.  A 
collection of Clojure code that can be used to test tools, and ensure 
common behavior.  These would be useful for all tools written in all 

My 2 cents

Meikel Brandmeyer wrote:
> Hi,
> Am 17.01.2009 um 16:22 schrieb Peter Wolf:
>> I think much of the parser, such as the JFlex lexer is certainly
>> reusable.  The recursive descent parser outputs Intellij objects, but
>> with pretty minor changes could be made reuseable.
>> Please feel free to take anything you want.
> There is lots of such things going at the moment.
> - Enclojure
> - Clojuredev
> - the IntelliJ Plugin
> - the swank/SLIME/emacs thingy
> - my Vim Gorilla
> Is there some interest to bundle the efforts?
> I'm thinking about a project, which provides such common
> things, like the Parser mentioned above. Or Chouser's or
> cgrand's javadoc. Everything in a neutral way, so that the
> specific frontend projects just provide the interface to the
> IDE in question and use the same backend functions.
> This would allow a faster development for the different
> platforms, since re-inventing the wheel is not necessary.
> I don't know the requirements of the different platforms,
> let alone how to implement all the features like refactoring
> and stuff. So I don't even know, whether this is possible
> or not.
> So what do you think?
> Sincerely
> Meikel

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