So I'm going to stop pretending like I'm an expert and actually post some Clojure code. Be constructively critical 'cause I'm a n00b in that regard ;-) This is a pseudorandom number generator for the Gaussian (0,1) distribution.
(defn next-gaussrand-state [current- state] ^{:doc "Given the current state (current-state) of the Gaussian- (0,1) distribution pseudorandom number generator, return the next state. This operation is nondestructive as long as current-state's underlying uniform pseudorandom number generator is nondestructive. next-gaussrand-state is a low-level routine out of which one can build a seq of Gaussian- distribution pseudorandom numbers. See notes in the text below."} (if (= (:phase current-state) 0) (loop [state current- state] (let [prng (:uniform-prng-seq state) U1 (first prng) U2 (frest prng) prng-rrest (rrest prng) V1 (- (* 2.0 U1) 1.0) V2 (- (* 2.0 U2) 1.0) S (+ (* V1 V1) (* V2 V2)) X (* V1 (. Math sqrt (/ (* -2.0 (. Math log S)) S)))] (if (or (>= S 1) (= S 0)) ;; Reject the out-of-range sample. Recall that U1 and U2 have ;; been shifted from (0,1] to (-1, 1]. It's entirely possible ;; for S to be > 1 -- no more than 2 in exact arithmetic, and I ;; suspect V1 and V2 are computed exactly for the extreme case ;; of U1=1 and U2=1. (recur {:uniform-prng-seq prng-rrest :X X :V1 V1 :V2 V2 :S S :phase (:phase state)}) {:uniform-prng-seq prng-rrest :X X :V1 V1 :V2 V2 :S S :phase (- 1 (:phase state))}))) (let [V1 (:V1 current- state) V2 (:V2 current- state) S (:S current- state)] {:uniform-prng-seq (:uniform-prng-seq current- state) :X (* V2 (. Math sqrt (/ (* -2.0 (. Math log S)) S))) :V1 V1 :V2 V2 :S S :phase (- 1.0 (:phase current- state))}))) defn first-gaussrand-state [uniform-prng- seq] ^{:doc "Given a seq of uniformly distributed pseudorandom numbers on (0,1), return the initial state of a seq of Gaussian-(0,1) pseudorandom numbers. "} (next-gaussrand-state {:X 0.0 :V1 0.0 :V2 0.0 :S 0.0 :phase 0 :uniform-prng-seq uniform-prng- seq})) (defn gaussrand-value [gaussrand- state] (:X gaussrand- state)) (defn new-gaussrand-seq [uniform-prng- seq] ^{:doc "Return a seq of Gaussian-(0,1) (mean 1 and standard deviation 0) pseudorandom numbers, given a seq of uniformly distributed (on (0,1)) pseudorandom floating-point numbers."} (map gaussrand-value (iterate next-gaussrand-state (first-gaussrand- state uniform-prng- seq)))) (defn test-gaussrand [n] ^{:doc "Simple test for new-gaussrand-seq. Should return a small floating- point number that gets smaller as n (a positive integer) gets bigger."} (let [PRNG (new java.util.Random) ;; Somewhat broken because java.util.Random is not stateless, and ;; the nextDouble() method changes its state. However, this ;; particular java.util.Random object is not shared outside of this ;; routine, so we can guarantee that uniform-prng-seq is a true seq ;; in the context of this method. uniform-prng-seq (iterate (fn [_] (. PRNG nextDouble)) (. PRNG nextDouble)) gaussrand-seq (new-gaussrand-seq uniform-prng- seq)] (/ (reduce + 0 (take n gaussrand-seq)) n))) Notes on next-gaussrand-state: This implementation was ported almost naively from the C FAQ online: Knuth discusses this method in his classic tome ("The Art of Computer Programming, Volume 2: Seminumerical Algorithms", section 3.4.1, subsection C, algorithm P), in which he cites the following: G. Marsaglia and T. A. Bray, "A convenient method for generating normal variables," SIAM Review, volume 6, issue 3, pp. 260-4, July 1964. After porting the C FAQ code, I discovered that the same method is also used by java.util.Random.nextDouble(), at least as of Java version 1.4.2: see There it is called "the polar method of G. E. P. Box, M. E. Muller, and G. Marsaglia." (Where is this G. E. P. Box in the list of authors in the SIAM Review article? I don't own a copy of Knuth so I'll have to dig a little to find out.) Note also that Marsaglia and others have written further works on the subject, even in the last few years, so the problem is by no means dead. I haven't looked more closely at this algorithm so I include it here merely as a useful exercise for myself and not because I intend others to go and copy it without questioning it. Anyway, the C FAQ makes a mistake multiple times in the aforementioned article: it tries to get uniformly distributed pseudorandom doubles on (0,1) by scaling the output of rand (). rand() only gives you 32 (or 31?) bits of entropy but you need 53 bits for a double-precision floating-point number. That's why Java calls nextDouble() (which according to Sun's Java documentation does the Right Thing). So take note if you roll your own PRNG not to do that ;-) mfh --~--~---------~--~----~------------~-------~--~----~ You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Clojure" group. To post to this group, send email to To unsubscribe from this group, send email to For more options, visit this group at -~----------~----~----~----~------~----~------~--~---