Here's a first pass at a Windows installer for a Clojure environment in

The general idea is that of the Lispbox: you simply install and run this one
thing, and you get a REPL and all the syntax and editing goodies from
clojure-mode and Slime.

Specifically this version of the installer packages the following
- Clojure source and jar from svn r1110
- Clojure Contrib source and jar from svn r253
- Compatible clojure-mode and swank-clojure from
- Latest patched EmacsW32 from
- A tiny bit of Emacs startup to set up clojure-mode and start a Slime REPL

It associates .clj files with Emacs. There are options for adding shortcuts
in the standard locations.

The best I could do for now was 29MB in size.

I still would like to add icons, the javadoc elisp functions that have been
floating around on the group lately, and other handy tools like a shortcut
to launch a REPL or script in a shell. When Clojure is released, I will make
a version based on that release.

Give it a whirl!


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