On 14 Nov., 20:11, Jeff Rose <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi,
>    I'm working on a library where I'd like to be able to dispatch off of
> whether the arguments are one of a number of different possible structs.
>   I've created a custom hierarchy and everything makes sense with derive
> etc., but I don't understand how I convert from input values to the
> symbols needed for calls to (isa? ...) Anyone know how to do this?  Does
> my dispatch function have to inspect the passed in values to figure out
> which type of struct they are, or can I query that somehow?

Two possible ways to get the “type” of your structure map:

(defstruct person :name :age)

(defn make-person [name age]
  (assoc (struct person name age person) :type person))

(defmulti foo :type)

(defmethod foo person [person] (println (dissoc person :type)))

user> (foo (make-person "Carlos" 13))
{:name Carlos, :age 13}


Have all persons in one container which will only hold maps
that were made via (make-person ...).
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