On Nov 14, 3:42 pm, Chouser <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Fri, Nov 14, 2008 at 2:11 PM, Jeff Rose <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Does my dispatch function have to inspect the passed in values to
> > figure out whichtypeof struct they are, or can I query that
> > somehow?
> My understanding is that StructMaps are just Maps with an
> implementation that's optimized to reduce memory usage.  The different
> basis types don't really function as "classes" of StractMaps or
> anything.  You can still add new keys to StructMaps, for example, just
> like any other Map.  So if you want some kind of 'type'datado
> dispatch off of, you'll have to attach that yourself, either as
> another key that all your Maps share or as metadata.
I've actually got the same use case as Jeff Rose -- I want some
generic methods on algebraic data types. Is there any reason to prefer
a data field over a metadata field, or vice versa, for the type tag?

-- Steve

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