Very nice! As it turns out, I've been heavily involved in writing the
documentation infrastructure that MSDN uses for the last few years, so
I have some sympathy for this problem space. :)

A few things I'd like to see:

* I'd like to see the URL for the page change when navigating to a new
topic. Right now it's pretty hard to bookmark a page or email a URL to
some particular piece of documentation since the URL is always
* I want to be able to click on a namespace and see all the symbols
for just that namespace. Would make it easy to explore the libraries
by functional area.
* I'd like to be able to get back to the home page from any other
page, or go up to the namespace page.
* Maybe the namespace page could have snippets of the doc next to the
names. Perhaps the first 30 characters of the doc string or something
simple like that.
* If this supported annotations, that would be fantastic, but
obviously that's a whole 'nother level.

On Fri, Nov 21, 2008 at 3:17 AM, Mark McGranaghan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I've created some experimental HTML docs for Clojure. You can see them
> on S3:
> Or, just for kicks, on Amazon's new Cloud Front CDN:
> You can see the code I used to generate them on GitHub:
> The generation code is open for public perusal but will require some
> tweaking for public use (e.g. I still have paths hard coded). Any help
> along these lines would be greatly appreciated.
> Most methods in the clj-doc source have docstrings and in total its
> only a couple hundred lines of code: you should be able to find your
> way around if you're interested. The best entry point is bin/gen.clj.
> Again, any comments or suggests would be appreciated.
> I hope that some of you find this interesting/useful/helpful in your
> Clojure endeavors,
> - Mark
> >

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