On Thu, Nov 20, 2008 at 8:27 AM, Daniel Renfer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> perhaps what we need is a clojure-in-a-box solution. We could create a
> package containing a version of clojure, emacs, slime, swank-clojure,
> clojure-mode, and clojure-contrib. This could be as simple as a zip
> file, but even better would be to have a simple installer exe.
> All a new user would have to would be to download the exe, run it, and
> choose emacs from their start menu. Everything would already be
> configured to work with whatever version these tools were built
> against. You could even install links to clojure
> documentation/resource sites. (clojure.org, the wiki, the irc logs,
> projecture, etc.)
> I, of course, focus on Windows users because they are the people that
> would most appreciate an all-in-one installer package. You could
> easily create packages for OSX and distros of Linux.
> This wouldn't help those that already have a running version emacs
> that they're trying to set up, but that's what the other documentation
> sites are for.
> Does anyone have experience in creating windows installers like this?
> I could look into it if people think it's a good idea, but I'm
> inexperienced in these matters.

I made a first pass at a Windows installer today. It's similar to the
Lispbox from gigamonkeys.com, targeting Windows users who want to try
Clojure and are willing to learn Emacs at the same time (I wouldn't think
this would include many users, but then again it worked out for me with the
Lispbox). Components include a recent Emacs 23 from the EmacsW32 project and
the latest CVS/Subversion/Git versions of Clojure, Clojure Contrib,
clojure-mode, swank-clojure, and Slime. Once Clojure has a release I would
want to use that and all the compatible tools.

There is a single MSI that installs the programs and code, creates a
shortcut, associates clj files, launches with minimal emacs configuration
(hides the GNU splash screen!), and automatically starts a REPL. I couldn't
get inferior-lisp to launch today (Java just wasn't liking my
inferior-lisp-program). I think slime is fine for new users as long as they
don't have to configure it. The benefit of tab-completion at the REPL makes
it worth it. And what better welcome to Clojure than "Connected. Hack and be

The result so far packs all of the above features in a 46MB installer. I'm
willing to pursue finishing it (and possibly making it smaller) if it would
be useful to others and if I can find a place to put it up.


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