Hi Raffael,

On Mon, Nov 17, 2008 at 4:21 PM, Raffael Cavallaro
> As the mention of Aquamacs in the title suggests, I'm on Mac OS X.
> I've read Bill Clementson's Blog on setting up clojure, and I'm not
> exactly a neophyte - I've been using slime with sbcl, openmcl, and
> other lisps for years.
> Nevertheless, even starting with an absolutely blank .emacs and
> freshly downloaded copies of Aquamacs, clojure, swank-clojure, and
> clojure-mode, the instructions in Bill's blog do not yield a working
> clojure under slime.

Unfortunately (or, fortunately, depending on your perspective),
Clojure is a moving target and an emacs/slime configuration that
worked one month ago will not necessarily work today.

> I've managed to get M-x run-lisp to work with the more basic of the
> two clojure modes out there, so Bill's shell script in and of itself
> is not the problem at all (it also works fine from a terminal window).
> However, I've never gotten slime to work, so somehow it doesn't play
> nice with swank-clojure and/or clojure-mode and/or slime.
> Is there anyone who would be willing to post an *actual* .emacs (not
> "add this line...,"  .emacs files involve clobbering globals, so order
> really does matter), and links to the *actual* versions of clojure,
> slime, swank-clojure, and clojure-mode that together, produce a
> functioning clojure under slime/Aquamacs?
> As a side note, I might suggest that links to a combination of ever-
> changing git repositories might not be the very best idea on a page
> entitled "Getting Started." IOW, it might be a good idea to take a
> known working combination of the above, zip them up and link to that
> instead.

Rather than ask someone to assemble a package and post it for you, it
is usually nicer (and a better learning experience) if you list
exactly what you did, and post the minimal config scripts that you
tried out and which illustrate what didn't work for you. However,
since I recently upgraded to the latest Clojure, I'll share what
worked for me:

0. Delete (or move away) any old versions of the following (e.g. don't
assume that something you downloaded a couple of days ago is ok to
1. Download latest Clojure from svn: http://sourceforge.net/svn/?group_id=137961
2. Download latest clojure-mode & swank-clojure from git:
3. Download latest slime from cvs: http://common-lisp.net/project/slime/
4. Download latest clojure-contrib from svn:
5. Use ant to build clojure and clojure-contrib
6. Create a shell script (called "clojure") to launch clojure and put
it in your PATH :

#!/bin/sh -e
java -server -cp /Users/bc/lisp/clojure/clojure/trunk/clojure.jar:\

7.  Put the following minimal setup in your .emacs file (adjusting the
paths as necessary):

(setq load-path (append (list "/Users/bc/lisp/clbuild/source/slime"

(setq swank-clojure-binary "clojure")

(require 'clojure-auto)
(require 'swank-clojure-autoload)

(defun run-clojure ()
  "Starts clojure in Slime"
  (slime 'clojure))

(global-set-key [f5] 'run-clojure)
(global-set-key [(control f11)] 'slime-selector)

(add-hook 'slime-connected-hook 'slime-redirect-inferior-output)

8. Restart Aquamacs and press F5 - you should get a repl

The above worked for me when I re-installed Clojure (with the latest
AOT changes) a couple of days ago. If you have any problems with the
above, post a reply with any errors you encountered as well as any
differences in your setup.

Bill Clementson

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