Hello Phil,

Am 25.10.2008 um 15:49 schrieb Phil Jordan:

I wanted to try your lazy map implementation just now and hit a snag. As I understand it, I should be able to load the library by adding the jar
file to the classpath and using

user=> (require 'de.kotka.lazymap)

however, that gives me

java.lang.ExceptionInInitializerError (lazymap.clj:0)
The problem was in the macros creating the lazy map. I passed a
function there, where now a quoted symbol is due. This is now

I tried both the release jar and building my own from hg (by the way,
your Makefile fails on GNU Make on Linux, as far as I can tell it's
because you're using .for) and they suffer from the same problem.
Obviously there are makes which are not GNU make. The Makefile is
for BSD make. It does nothing, but calling gen-class and packing the
jar. Since the whole class implementation is in Clojure it shouldn't
necessary to regenerate the .class files.

Am I doing something wrong or is this an incompatibility with recent
clojure versions?
This worked before. So I suspect that it was wrong from the beginning.
But Clojure became a bit more picky and now complains about the code.

The update v2.0.1 can be found at the usual place:

Thanks for giving lazy-map a try.


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