On Oct 22, 6:17 am, Chouser <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Wed, Oct 22, 2008 at 4:30 AM, Brett Morgan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > I understand the lisp way is to use the reader plus macros to interpret the
> > incoming data stream. This is hella cool in that it seriously cuts down on
> > the amount of development work I have to do. The reader is already done, and
> > using macros to build the tree walker? And have them applied to a stm core?
> > Very lightweight in comparison to what I'd do traditionally. Very cool.
> I think that if you use "read" rather than "load" or "eval" on the
> incoming s-expressions, you'll have a lot less to worry about.
> Without the eval step there's no need to try to block arbitrary
> function calls and such, because they'll never be evaluated in the
> first place -- any symbols that match function call names will simply
> be returned from the reader as symbols.
> If you then want to call macroexpand on them to help process the
> expressions (I've got no sense of whether this would be a useful
> approach or not) then the only code being run would be your own macro.
> There'd be no way for the incoming s-expressions to define new macros
> or functions.
> Perhaps you'd still want to audit the LispReader.java code for
> security vulnerabilities and/or run the reader in some sort of Java
> sandbox, but I wouldn't be surprised if neither of these is actually
> necessary.
> --Chouser
This is exactly the suggestion I was going to make. Dealing with
untrusted code doesn't seem to be one of the main design
considerations of Clojure. That I know of, there are no provisions to
keep someone from re-defing existing functions, reaching out of their
current namespace, or jumping into those aspects of Java land that are
available. The safest way to handle data from the client is to keep it
as data and write code to parse and react to it, anything else is
setting up a creativity contest between yourself and anyone trying to
break the application. If companies like Microsoft and Oracle can't
win those with all of their money, a single individual doesn't stand a
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