On Sep 3, 2008, at 7:11 PM, Rich Hickey wrote:

>>> On the subject of shorter, the name "clojure/load" is already in  
>>> use, but
>>> would be a better name for "load-resources" than "load-resources".  
>>> I think
>>> we should consider changing the name of the former to something  
>>> else like
>>> "load-reader" and using "load" for what is now load-resources  
>>> (and :load for
>>> what is now :load-resources).
>> I have no objection to this.
> Me neither, other than the breakage for people using load, most of
> whom I presume are loading from strings to do evals, and may be
> placated with a load-string.

I've enclosed a patch to implement this.


        renamed clojure/load to clojure/load-reader
        added clojure/load-string
        renamed clojure/load-resources to clojure/load
        fixed up doc strings accordingly

These changes are all at the Clojure level--the load method of  
Compiler is not changed.

        $ cd <clojure-root-dir>
        $ patch -p0 < load-reader.patch
        patching file src/clj/clojure/boot.clj


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Attachment: load-reader.patch
Description: Binary data

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