On Sep 3, 5:14 pm, Chouser <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Wed, Sep 3, 2008 at 4:36 PM, Stephen C. Gilardi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > I saw some discussion of how to fix this on the IRC log but I can't get on
> > at the moment.
> > It looks like the current plan is to change "ns" to remove the sensitivity
> > to "the namespace is already defined" and add "(:refer-clojure ...)" to the
> > list of supported reference arguments.
> Well, here's a patch for the behavior discussed on IRC. I'm posting
> it only because it's complete and working, not in any attempt to
> stifle further discussion. If we settle on any alternate solution,
> this patch can just be ignored.
I think the only problem is in the case of subsequent use of ns. I
originally envisioned the 'main' .clj file doing an involved ns and
subsequent files just doing (ns foo), as well as the use of ns at the
repl to change namespaces. Now, if you did
(ns foo (:refer-clojure ...) ...)
any later (ns foo) is going to bring in all of clojure. I'd prefer it
did nothing but change *ns*.
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