On Wed, 22 Jan 2025, newcomer01 via clamav-users wrote:

Hi Florens,

clamav can handle files up to 4GB form 1.2.0 onwards ->

Not quite.
MaxScanSize is no longer limited to 2GB or 4GB,
but MaxFileSize is still limited to 2G.
The size of an archive or disk image is not limited,
just the individual files inside them.

Upload all files in the same directory and from there you can move the
scanned files around (cronjob), this is possible on most/all linux

That does make it difficult to report failures to the submitter ...

It was helpful if you have little knowledge about your server - yes, mean
that the php ini handles the maximum file size itself (before the server
kicks the connection to the user), so you must change something here too.

kind greetings

Von / From:   Clamav User Mailinglist
An / To:      Newcomer01 <mailto:newcome...@posteo.de>
CC / CC:      Florens Von Heydwolff <mailto:heydwo...@hotmail.com>
Gesendet / Sent:      Mittwoch, Januar 22, 2025 um 09:10 (at 09:10 AM)
Betreff / Subject:    [clamav-users] Scanning multiple uploads at the same time

> Hello,
> I´m kind of a noob, forced to work on my own project because the money
> for programmers is running out 🙂. Nevertheless I could pay a certain
> amount for help if needed. My framework is laravel and I have managed to
> implement clamav in a way that it scans my uploads in the local
> environment.
> Here is my uncertainty:
> My website needs to be capable of handling multiple uploads at once,
> which can be as large as 4 GB (I read that is the maximum Filesize for
> ClamAV is 2 GB but it can somehow be extended to 4GB).
> I wonder what would happen if many users were uploading at the same
> time. Would the scan requests be executed one at the time? I imagine
> that could lead to long waiting times for the uploading users.

If you use the ClamAV daemon, as used by the clamdscan command,
multiple uploads will be scanned in parallel processes.
If you have enough cores and RAM there will be no delay.
I don't know enough about laravel or your code to know whether it will work that way.

> If that is so, I need to either configure clamav in a way that a new
> instance is loaded whenever a user uploads a file, which seems daunting,
> especially for me as a noob. Would that be doable and what would it
> take?

That should not be not necessary, and would not help as each ClamAV
instance takes several seconds to start up and uses more RAM.

> Do I need to have some special knowledge of how to configure the server?
> What would you recommend otherwise? It can be a paid service too.

I imagine that a paid service would not help as you would then have external internet delays.

Andrew C. Aitchison                      Kendal, UK

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