Is there a limitation on the complexity of the conditions for Yara rules?

I've got a situation where any given string correctly matches where it's supposed to, and for three subgroups of strings, any two groups will correctly match, but if I try to add all three subgroup conditions, it fails.

To lay it out in Yara syntax:

rule badstuff {
    $a1 = ...
    $a2 = ...

    $b1 = ...
    $b2 = ...
    $b3 = ...
    $b4 = ...

    $c1 = ...
    $c2 = ...

[here's where the trouble starts]

  ($a1 at 0 or $a2 at 0) and 3 of ($b*)
  ($a1 at 0 or $a2 at 0) and ($c1 or $c2)
  ($c1 or $c2) and 3 of ($b*)

Ordering of the groups of conditions does not appear to matter.

Does NOT work:
  ($a1 at 0 or $a2 at 0) and 3 of ($b*) and ($c1 or $c2)


I also tried

  ($a1 at 0 or $a2 at 0) and ($b1 or $b2 or $b3 or $b4) and ($c1 or $c2)

which isn't quite the same meaning, but should eliminate any weird edge cases around the "n of [string list]" operator.

An earlier variation of this rule used:

  ($a1 at 0 or $a2 at 0) and $b1 and $c1

which worked fine, except it didn't match the new variation sample files that showed up today.

I've just about resolved to drop $c1 and $c2 for the particular samples at hand as they're possibly a little *too* specific to catch future variations, but I could easily see really wanting to use conditions like this.

(As a side question, is there a setting I can use somewhere to make unused strings a warning rather than a hard error? It's a real pain to comment/uncomment/recomment strings again and again and again while trying to assemble complex rules like this.)


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