On Wed, 13 Nov 2024 10:13:13 +0100, Matus UHLAR - fantomas via clamav-users 
<clamav-users@lists.clamav.net> wrote:
>>>>>On 11/7/2024 3:27 AM, Virgo Pärna via clamav-users wrote:
>>>>>>    What about database updates happening at that time? For us even
>>>>>>with ConcurrentDatabaseReload true Exim sometimes times out scanning
>>>>>>e-mails, when databse update is happening.
> Just FYI, "ConcurrentDatabaseReload true" should avoid exactly the problem 
> you have. I have clamd on machine with 4GB of RAM (not very loaded though) 
> without problems.

        I have 6 GB of ram and free shows 3 GB available. And with
ConcurrentDatabaseReload true thins were way worse. 
        It is a small server and CPU is not powerful... Currently
problem happens, if system is under load and there is database reload.
And it happens after clamd logs "Activating the newly loaded
database...". Which is wierd.

Virgo Pärna 


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