On 11/13/2024 1:13 AM, Matus UHLAR - fantomas via clamav-users wrote:
On 11/7/2024 3:27 AM, Virgo Pärna via clamav-users wrote:
What about database updates happening at that time? For us even
with ConcurrentDatabaseReload true Exim sometimes times out scanning
e-mails, when databse update is happening.
Just FYI, "ConcurrentDatabaseReload true" should avoid exactly the
problem you have. I have clamd on machine with 4GB of RAM (not very
loaded though) without problems.
"ConcurrentDatabaseReload no" should spare some RAM when reloading
database, but can delay new scanning until database is reloaded.
How long does the reload take on that machine?
Here it's under 1 minute:
Wed Nov 13 04:48:21 2024 -> Reading databases from /var/lib/clamav
Wed Nov 13 04:49:18 2024 -> Database correctly reloaded (12992433
I see similar times of less than a minute, but just because the database
is reloaded doesn't mean than the daemon has read the updated
information, hence my thoughts about the next scan being the trigger,
especially based on the pattern I see.
Do you have enough of free RAM on that machine?
I believe so based on what I see in "top".
On 11/7/2024 3:33 PM, Eddie via clamav-users wrote:
Nope, not that either. The database update happens about 15
minutes before this particular mail arrives.
On 11.11.24 11:02, Eddie via clamav-users wrote:
A thought. Even though freshclam finished before this mail was
received and the clamav log shows the database loaded and activated
would the next scan still incur the overhead for the clamd daemon
to reload the signatures. If so, is there any way to force the
reload as part of the freshclam process.
On 11/12/2024 12:03 AM, Matus UHLAR - fantomas via clamav-users wrote:
freshclam should notify clamd or new database
On 12.11.24 14:39, Eddie via clamav-users wrote:
The only pattern I've seen is when the next scan occurs 10 -> 15
minutes after freshclam does an update to the DB. I would hope the
reload of the signatures wouldn't have taken that long.
Does freshclam run as the same user as clamd?
Is there "NotifyClamd" option in freshclam.conf containing path to
correct clamd.conf?
Yes and yes: Wed Nov 13 02:50:25 2024 -> Clamd successfully notified
about the update.
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