On Fri, 5 Jul 2024, Khodor Barakat wrote:

What i am trying to implement is to avoid running clamd as daemon
locally and want to use a dedicated server for the scan that will be
used by multiple server the scan will be done within the intranet so
traffic is not exposed , but wanted to see if there is a way that i
can protect the data in transit between those 2 servers

I am not aware of encryption in ClamAV itself,
but I think you could do that with an ssl tunnel such as stunnel
(it even claims to work on windows).

I don't want to run clamd daemon locally , as i found it heavy on
the system and affect the performance of other services

A clamd server can make sense, as the database takes up over a GB RAM,
and I understand that it can cache scan results, but the file still needs
to be read from file and sent across the net.
Not sure how encrypting and decrypting the data would change the load.
Interesting experiment ?

Andrew C. Aitchison                      Kendal, UK

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