On Tue, 2 Jul 2024, Khodor Barakat via clamav-users wrote:

Hi, everyone

I am writing to inquire about the security measures implemented when
using ClamAV's clamdscan for remote scanning, particularly when
streaming to port 3310.

clamdscan -c /etc/clamd.d/remote-scan.conf --fdpass --stream  /tmp/testfile.txt

Does --fdpass work over tcp ?
If so, I mis-understand what it does.

cat /etc/clamd.d/remote-scan.conf
LogSyslog yes
StreamMaxLength 10M
User clamscan
TCPSocket 3310

Does anyone have information on the security protocols and
safeguards in place in order to protect data during remote scans?

I believe that the files to be tested are sent in plain, ie not encrypted.
The best reference i can find is
(or you could try reading the code).

What are your specific concerns ?
Client, network, server,
Client attacking server, server accessing files on client ?

Andrew C. Aitchison                      Kendal, UK

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