Thanks. There is one difference I managed to find which is related to services 
in general not just clamav -  clamd will be restarted on failure if 
it's running as service. This can be an advantage, and pretty big one, 
because otherwise we end up creating "watchdog" framework which 
itself ends up having way too many complications, based on past experiences.

Ideally though I want to know why we have such a different behaviour on selinux 
for standalone vs services approach. I am going to try to raise a bug unless 
someone already knows.

Thanks in advance,

From: Matus UHLAR - fantomas via clamav-users 
Sent: Mon, 10 Jun 2024 16:28:28
Cc: Matus UHLAR - fantomas <>
Subject: Re: [clamav-users] Using clamd@ service vs launching clamd from 
command line

On 10.06.24 10:29, neel roy via clamav-users wrote:
> On selinux, which is the case with me, running clamd as *standalone
> process* is more advantageous than running as systemd service.  The 
> is mentioned in the post by someone else couple of years back.  I am
> facing similar
> issue:
> In case of systemd process, clamd can have graceful exit using
> "systemd stop clamd@scan" but same can be achieved by 
> -TERM <pid of clamd>" if clamd is running as 
> executable.
> So given a choice, what would be reason why a user would want to run
> clamd@ service (instead of standalone process)?

I guess this is only issue related to selinux.
clamd as a systemd "service" is the same daemon as standalone 
process, it's
just different selinux policy applied

You would only want clamd as standalone process when you want selinux but
don't want to configure it.
Matus UHLAR - fantomas, ;
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