
On selinux, which is the case with me, running clamd as *standalone process* is 
more advantageous than running as systemd service. The reason is mentioned in 
the post by someone else couple of years back. I am facing similar 

In case of systemd process, clamd can have graceful exit using "systemd 
stop clamd@scan" but same can be achieved by "kill -TERM <pid of 
clamd>" if clamd is running as standalone executable.

So given a choice, what would be reason why a user would want to run clamd@ 
service (instead of standalone process)?

Thanks in advance,

From: Matus UHLAR - fantomas via clamav-users 
Sent: Mon, 10 Jun 2024 13:06:44
Cc: Matus UHLAR - fantomas <>
Subject: Re: [clamav-users] Using clamd@ service vs launching clamd from 
command line

On 10.06.24 05:57, neel roy via clamav-users wrote:
>There might be possibility that we will use more services from clamd in the 
future. So we want to use clamd + clamdscan instead of clamscan.
>In which case I wanted to know the difference between running clamd@scan 
service vs running clamd. What's the difference and what is recommended?

I'd say clamd service runs clamd.
the "service" is just systemd way to run it.

>From: "Brendan Bell (brebell)" 
>Sent: Fri, 07 Jun 2024 22:36:02
>To: ""; 
>Cc: neel roy <>;
>Subject: Re: [clamav-users] Using clamd@ service vs launching clamd from 
command line
>If you only want to do one scan per day, you may wish to use clamscan 
instead of clamd + clamdscan.
>If you're doing scans on the commandline, the advantage to using 
clamd is to reduce load time.  You can load once, and then use 
clamdscan to target multiple files or directories with multiple scan commands.
>If you're running a single scan once, even if selecting multiple 
files or directories, then clamscan may be easier:
>E.g. run:
>From: clamav-users <>; on 
behalf of neel roy via clamav-users <>;
>Sent: Friday, June 7, 2024 10:25 AM
>To: <>;
>Cc: neel roy <>;
>Subject: [clamav-users] Using clamd@ service vs launching clamd from 
command line
> reads 
"Once you have set up your configuration to your liking, and 
understand how you will be sending commands to the daemon, running clamd itself 
is simple. Simply execute the command:
>But after installation I also get 
>Question I have is, if I have only one conf file 
"/etc/clamd.d/scan.conf" and all I want to do is run scan 
once a day, what is the advantage of using clamd@ service vs launching 
"clamd" from command line?
>And if there is no difference, which approach is recommended and why?

Matus UHLAR - fantomas, ;
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