Tim, it's not heavy write a own bash/sh script - to apply code to execute in
cronjob isn't the best way.
Write a small script and this start with your cronjob - that's all.
If i can help, then i will do this.
I had at the beginning clamTK too, but the complete tool didn't work here (but
for some other reasons I know now) so I removed and set up all manually, it's
little work but you learn much of clamav and bash/sh scripting - you can trust
in me, it's simpler than it's maybe sounds.
kind regards,
Von / From: Clamav User Mailinglist <mailto:clamav-users@lists.clamav.net>
An / To: Newcomer01 <mailto:newcome...@posteo.de>
CC / CC: Tim Mcconnell <mailto:tmcconnell...@gmail.com>
Gesendet / Sent: Mittwoch, März 22, 2023 um 20:02 (at 08:02 PM) +0100
Betreff / Subject: Re: [clamav-users] How to get rid of or Fix clamonacc error
On Wed, 2023-03-22 at 18:15 +0000, newcomer01 via clamav-users wrote:
äähhmmm why you escape the slash? This is not needed.
I didn't set that it was done by ClamTK (the GUI Interface) not me. so
from the pointers you gave (Marc) ClamTK has bugs? and I should just
schedule the cronjob manually?
I did appreciate the suggestions too Marc, I'm just trying to use Clam
via the GUI (ClamTK) and not having a lot of luck :-(
Thanks for the help so far!
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