Thanks Micah, 
This is for Home use so that might be like hunting flies with a Nuclear
For what it's worth, I did get the scan to complete in 15 hours. Okay
well it is a big drive. Now I have a real question: 
Using ClamTK to schedule a scan, How do I exclude a Directory? I've
tried Whitelisting but it doesn't skip the scan for those DIRs. 
The Cron Job email shows the command it's running as: 
/usr/bin/clamscan --exclude-dir=/home/tmick/.clamtk/viruses --exclude-
dir=\/home\/tmick\/Documents\/ACI\ Learning --exclude-
dir=\/home\/tmick\/Nextcloud\/Documents\/ACI\ Learning --exclude-
dir=\/home\/tmick\/Nextcloud --exclude-dir=smb4k --exclude-
dir=/run/user/tmick/gvfs --exclude-dir=/home/tmick/.gvfs --exclude-
dir=.thunderbird --exclude-dir=.mozilla-thunderbird --exclude-
dir=.evolution --exclude-dir=Mail --exclude-dir=kmail -i --detect-pua -
r /home/tmick --log="$HOME/.clamtk/history/$(date +%b-%d-%Y).log"
2>/dev/null # clamtk-scan
Tim McConnell <>

So how would I get the directories I want ignored, ignored?

On Wed, 2023-03-22 at 17:08 +0000, Micah Snyder (micasnyd) via clamav-
users wrote:
> >  by the way: if you find another anti-virus for linux without using
> > the terminal (with GUI), let me know, have searched really long
> > time and found nothing (freeware or commerical).
> > some companies (e.g eset) had linux version but now they stopped
> > the development.
> If you need something for a business, Cisco Secure Endpoint has
> clients for Linux, Mac, and Windows. It is a cloud-based security
> suite so you basically login to and can monitor
> all of your connected clients for suspicious behavior.  The Linux and
> Mac clients use clamav for offline scans, but mostly use other
> methods for malware detection.  
> Here's a link if you're
> interested:
> nt-security/secure-endpoint/index.html
> TBH I think that the Secure Endpoint website is kind of garbage as it
> has a lot of jargon that won't make sense to your average person
> looking for an AV solution.  But it is basically a type of AV
> solution built to protect enterprise network computers.
> The "live demo" will show you want the admin dashboard looks like. 
> It's pretty cool, but maybe a bit overwhelming. 
> Regards,
> Micah
> Micah Snyder
> ClamAV Development
> Talos
> Cisco Systems, Inc.
> From: clamav-users <> on behalf
> of newcomer01 via clamav-users <>
> Sent: Sunday, March 19, 2023 12:12 PM
> To: Tim McConnell via clamav-users <>
> Cc: newcomer01 <>
> Subject: Re: [clamav-users] How to get rid of or Fix clamonacc error
> Hi again,
> clamonacc you didn't really need.
> Here i do not have this, i scan normally every 2 hours my e-mails and
> only on sunday my computer.
> we are on linux., linux isn't so much effected for virsuses or
> something.
> by the way: if you find another anti-virus for linux without using
> the terminal (with GUI), let me know, have searched really long time
> and found nothing (freeware or commerical).
> some companies (e.g eset) had linux version but now they stopped the
> development.
> kind greetings
> Marc
> Von / From: Clamav User Mailinglist
> <>
> An / To: Newcomer01 <>
> CC / CC: Tim Mcconnell <>
> Gesendet / Sent: Sonntag, März 19, 2023 um 19:31 (at 07:31 PM) +0100
> Betreff / Subject: Re: [clamav-users] How to get rid of or Fix
> clamonacc error
> > Hi Marc,
> > So apparently it was a bug(?) in ClamTK. The errors have gone away
> > (for
> > now). The big problem is I want Clam to do what Clamonacc does so
> > removing it shouldn't be an option? I want it to run at certain
> > times
> > to check for malicious files, etc. I'll re-enable the schedule via
> > Clam
> > TK and see if it still hogs the CPU.
> > If it does I may have to find another AV solution.
> >    
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