On Thu, Aug 05, 2021 at 12:53:57PM +0300, Henrik K wrote:
> Oracle DOES maintain Solaris, current 11.4 has quite recent GCC (10.2) and
> All requirements except libcheck are OS provided, just pkg install them.

Never mind, did a bad search before, libcheck IS provided (pkg install
test/check). All tests pass:

    Start 1: libclamav
1/5 Test #1: libclamav ........................   Passed   21.18 sec
    Start 2: clamscan
2/5 Test #2: clamscan .........................   Passed    5.68 sec
    Start 3: clamd
3/5 Test #3: clamd ............................   Passed   22.56 sec
    Start 4: freshclam
4/5 Test #4: freshclam ........................   Passed    2.75 sec
    Start 5: sigtool
5/5 Test #5: sigtool ..........................   Passed    0.79 sec

100% tests passed, 0 tests failed out of 5


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