Citeren Frans de Boer <>:
On 7/25/21 8:50 PM, Arjen de Korte via clamav-users wrote:
Citeren Frans de Boer <>:
I get things compiled etc., but testing clamd keeps on failing. I
tried three different machines/CPU's to no avail.
I use OpenSUSE Tumbleweed with newest cmake etc.
I have an experimental version available in
It seems to work OK, but use at own risk.
Hi Arjen,
I downloaded the ..242.src.rpm archive and extracted the
104.0.tar.gz file from it. Same error.
Unsurprising. This is the same sourcefile from upstream, but you'll
need to make quite some changes in the .spec file in order to build
it. If you used the same .spec file, you'll get the same results.
It is probably easier to either install the .src.rpm and build locally
from the .spec file in it, or add the repository where it is from so
you can just install the .rpm files without building yourself
However, there are other files in that archive too, if I need them,
how to do so?
--- Frans.
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