On Thu, 26 Nov 2020, Will Watters via clamav-users wrote:


Is there anywhere to get clamd freshclam file to run as a daemon for
Centos 6 please, so the service can be stopped and started, etc.

I have this for Centos 7 but is systemd residing in
/lib/systemd/system/clamd-freshclam.service, which does not work for
Centos 6:

As we have already said,
  *** systemd and ansible are not part of CentOS 6 ***
Instead CentOS 6 uses

You haven't mentioned your platform and clamav is not an official
part of RHEL/CentOS so I cannot give links to specific packages.
To my mind the "official" way would be to use the epel repo
(Extra Packages for Enterprise Linux)
As Graeme said, you would want at least the
    clamav and clamav-db
packages, but they wont give you the latest version of clamav.

But, seriously, if you are that new to CentOS 6 it is far too late
to start. RHEL/CentOS/SL6 was a great distribution (possibly the best linux release ever) but at ten years old I would not recommend it
even if it still had support beyond next week.

If there are applications and data you still have not moved
onto a newer OS, I would put them on a containerized version
of CentOS6 and use the host OS to provide anti-malware services.

Andrew C. Aitchison                                     Kendal, UK


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