Am 23.04.2017 um 17:20 schrieb Lyle Holmes:
Probably simple to resolve. Clamscan sends the results of the daily scan
in an email. Results similar to the one below for each directory in
/home. Unfortunately clamscan is appending the new results to the prior
day's results; making a ridiculously long email. I would like to
overwrite the prior day's results. Not sure how/where to do this.

----------- SCAN SUMMARY -----------
Known viruses: 6258909
Engine version: 0.99.2
Scanned directories: 324
Scanned files: 3414
Infected files: 0
Data scanned: 152.86 MB
Data read: 159.49 MB (ratio 0.96:1)
Time: 128.806 sec (2 m 8 s)

reset it's log befor the call
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