So there *is* a clamav user in /etc/passwd, which has /var/lib/clamav as home 
directory. It is probably configured by apt-get. I don't know where clamd.conf5 
comes from: the file is usually called clamd.conf.

Install from source or from apt-get, not both, so remove either one. If you 
remove the apt package, the clamav user will probably be removed and have to be 
created afterwards.

If you're new to all this I suggest you use the package from apt-get and go 
from there.

-----Original Message-----
From: clamav-users [] On Behalf Of 
farbod emami
Sent: Wednesday, 9 March 2016 17:19
To: ClamAV users ML <>
Subject: Re: [clamav-users] No supported database files found

I have done both: compiling manually and by apt-grt install and I even install 
the graphic panel.
I do not have any clamd.conf but clamd.conf5 which there is not any 
DatabaseOwner entry in it !
in my passwd, I just have "clamav:x*********::/var/lib/clamav:/bin/false"


    On Wednesday, March 9, 2016 7:37 PM, Matus UHLAR - fantomas 
<> wrote:

 On 09.03.16 14:54, farbod emami wrote:
>I encountered this error when running the " sudo clamscan -r " command
>LibClamAV Error: cli_loaddbdir(): No supported database files found in 
>ERROR: Can't open file or directory

did you compile clamav manually?

Matus UHLAR - fantomas, ;
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