On Monday 03 February 2014 21:30:38 Kris Deugau did opine:

> Gene Heskett wrote:
> > On Sunday 02 February 2014 09:12:36 G.W. Haywood did opine:
> >> You might be.  IF I understand what you're doing, it seems to me that
> >> you're piping a stream of data to the standard input of a process and
> >> asking that process to scan the stream for interesting things.  You
> >> aren't telling it where the stream comes from, so it doesn't know, so
> >> it can't tell you anything other than what it finds in the anonymous
> >> stream.  I suppose it could tell you a byte offset from the start of
> >> the stream if it counted the bytes, but that wouldn't be a lot of use
> >> if the stream came from the concatenation of half a million files.
> >> 
> >> In effect, you're saying "What's in this anonymous stream of data?"
> > 
> > Wrong concept, its being used on each incoming email, even before SA
> > looks at it.  Point being that the email will normally have a subject
> > line which, when the mail has been sorted into the incoming kde
> > folders, knowing the subject line contents would go a long way toward
> > identifying the mail.
> I'm not sure how much clamav really "knows" about whether it's scanning
> an email or an executable blob.  It's smart enough to dig into
> attachments to emails, but there is only a limited amount of
> intelligence there.
> My own favourite ClamAV integration glue, the MIMEDefang milter, does
> its own work to split off attachments and untangle "email" into "files"
> (more or less), and then points Clam at the whole set, on the
> not-unlikely chance Clam can't decode the attached file(s) from the
> email message.  IIRC some time ago, there were a number of viruses that
> produced either broken or obscure MIME, and ClamAV couldn't find the
> virus in the complete email, but when it was fed the detached and
> decoded file, it triggered just fine.
> > One other item I just found that I do not like. When clamav is
> > restarted at reboot time, it wipes the existing
> > /var/log/clamav/clamav.log file, destroying any interesting records
> > from yesterday.  That's not at all nice. It really, REALLY, needs to
> > be maintained by logrotate.
> File a bug with your Linux distribution;  I agree this is poor behaviour
> but I've never seen it happen on the RHEL/CentOS systems or Debian
> systems I've used ClamAV on.

Humm, I built this one from the tarball when the distro stopped updating at 
in the 96.x time frame.  Something I can fix in /etc/clamav/clam.conf 
> -kgd
> _______________________________________________
> Help us build a comprehensive ClamAV guide:
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Cheers, Gene
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